Why do we need self-validation?
Being able to validate yourself is the most helpful thing you can do for your ownself — I always believe in that. Especially as a writer.
English is not my native language. I studied in a school where we used to speak Urdu/Hindi. This made speaking and writing English for me like climbing a stiff mountain without any safety gear.
2021 was the toughest yet significant year of my life. It was a total rollercoaster for me. From being depressed to pulling myself up. I went through a lot.
It was the same year when I decided to become a copywriter. Initially, I stumbled upon penning down my thoughts on paper because I had this intense lack of self-validation.
Upon asking for feedback from my friends and family on how I am writing, they always mentioned “You are doing excellent”. Yet, something inside me kept nudging that I was not doing well.
I murmured, “Something’s missing.”
And there was a lot which was missing. I was burying myself in the ground. Why? Because I kept on comparing myself with others.
Anything I read on the Internet made me feel:
- I can’t write this well.
- I can’t think about what to write.
- Nobody reads what I write.
- And nobody wants to read what I write.
These mere sentences were like a rope around my neck. Pulling me down from my throne every single day. I couldn’t validate myself.
All of these weren’t because I was surrounded by people who did not cherish me for what I do.
But, it was because I kept measuring myself with the wrong scale. I didn’t realise, that instead of wearing my own shoes on my journey I had put on others.
Even though I was deep drowning into the sea of insecurity. I kept on reassuring myself.
Until a time came when I took hold of myself.
I made a decision as I muttered, “Nobody’s perfect and I am enough for myself.”
This marks the point where the tables turned. From fearing to even pressing a key on the keyboard to writing engaging collaterals. I championed the skill.
Above all, I gave thanks to Allah Almighty, Who taught me to speak, write and read not just English, but other linguistics also.
It’s always Him who placed firmness in my heart and willingness to become what I am today.
Ultimately, I came to the realisation that the only validation I needed was from myself and Him. And that is the source of my power.